There are a lot of awkward questions that you could ask in life, asking if your electrician is registered should not be one them.

Electrical Safety First recently ran the ‘Awkward Britain‘ campaign to help raise awareness of why you must always ask if your electrician is registered.

A staggering 18 million of us* are too embarrassed to ask what seems like a rather harmless question, but failure to ask if your electrician is registered could result in shoddy work and could potentially put you and those that live with you at risk.

If you want to find a registered electrician in your area visit – you will find Maintracts listed as one of the registered companies.

If you are nervous about asking your electrician then check out these top tips from Electrical Safety First.

Know the Law

By law, homeowners and landlords much be able to prove that their electrical work in their property meets certain standards.

Be direct

Have a phrase prepared in your mind before asking your electrician for proof of registration. Say something like “Before we get started, I just need to see your proof of registration document.” Knowing what you want to say before you say it will make you feel much more confident.

Ask early

To make matters easier, ask if the electricians are registered when researching your contractor.

Be insistent

Demand to see proof. If the electrician refuses then do not allow them to continue with any work.

To find out more about Electrical Safety First visit

Here is a fun video by Electrical Safety First showing just how awkward a conversation can get:

*Electrical Safety First research